The Power Over You

I think my greatest weakness or greatest test of character for me is my drive in the mornings and in the evenings. Nothing gets to me more than a selfish, greedy driver that has no care for anyone around them. Whether it’s someone texting on their phone, not paying attention, someone cutting me off just because they don’t feel like waiting like anyone else, or someone just being a jerk for the sake of being a jerk. I think we’ve all experienced it once or twice or maybe even every day for the entire period we’ve had our license.

Lately, I’ve told myself, “You really have to stop letting these people get to you. They have NO CARE in the world for you, why should you care so much about them.” So I’ve tried to just not say, gesture or let it get to me to as I can. I’ve been doing better, a lot better actually. Usually, I just a shake my head and move right along. But this morning, it was like one after the other and I fell right back into the yelling and signaling with my hands. And that was just within the first 20 minutes of driving in the morning. I caught myself and I told myself to stop. I did and the rest of my drive I just brushed aside any other driver that did wrong against me.

I really have to stop giving these people so much power over my day. Because they ruin my mornings or evenings. I’m sure they go on about their day just clueless or careless as can be because they just really don’t care. So why do I? Why am I giving them that power over me? Because that’s what it comes down to it. I’m letting the actions of others totally throw off my mood and my day. I feel stupid when I put it into that perspective. Something so simple and easy but yet I turn it into something that it shouldn’t be.

Do you ever find yourself letting others ruin or change your mood by the little things they do?