His Most Precious Creation

Only the writer of a story is the ultimate judge of its beauty.
Only the potter of a vase or the artist of a painting is the ultimate judge of its beauty.

The creator is the only one to have the ultimate say in whether their creation is beautiful or not. It is their creation, their vision, their love and passion poured into it. While many others may have opinions, they don’t have the final word that ultimately counts.

So the next time you look in the mirror and dislike or even hate what you see; the next time you call yourself ugly, remember, you didn’t create yourself. Your friends and family didn’t create you. Society did not create you. Though they may have opinions of you, they don’t have the final word on your beauty and that also includes YOU.

Because not only does your Creator believe that you are the most beautiful of all of His creation, He also believes you are His most precious.

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